martes, 5 de junio de 2018

The present for Calatrava

A present have given to Calatrava: perpetuate his work in China, a country where he had never designed… so far.

Hi, my name is Rodolfo, as you know, obviously, by the many articles that I have already narrated (I do not write) in this magazine. My surname nor lack does tell you it, because, in a hypothetical and unacceptable case, if not you knew it, you will learn over time, you and your descendants, clear is, as in the series of futuristic science fiction Star Wars, where everyone has memorized the surnames “Galactic” of Skywalker, Solo, Kenobi or Vader, for example.
Similarly must pass another character in the world of the architecture and the engineering, which has earned a place in the annals of the history, at least, the history of those two branches. I do not assess his contribution, it would not be fair, also it would not be productive and that is something that I cannot allow, the productivity is the success and, consequently, the future. His contribution, as I was narrating, is valued by the international entities such as ECCS (European Steel Design Awards), MIPIM (Marche International des Professionnels de l’Immobilier), ECSN (European Concrete Awards), among many others, and this value is in the form of prizes, such as those recently granted by CTBUH (Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat) or by the American magazine ENR(Engineering News Record), something will be.

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